Stories from the valley
Every place in the world has its own tales, stories and expressions. So does the Paznaun valley in Tirol. Some of these stories and a little dictionary you find here. Just in case you come across a dragon and need to talk your way out...
The dragon from lake Grübele

On 2,100 meters in the Grübele valley, between the peaks Schafpleiskopf and Vorderes Kreuzjoch, there is a lake. Once upon a time there lived a lurid dragon at this lake, killing the farmers' animals in the area. People were feared to death and nobody dared to try to kill it.
Then, one day, there was one boy who decided to skip school and to go for a walk in the mountains instead. When he saw the dragon creeping out of the water, he put a harness around it and rode it like a horse down into the valley. At a bridge in the hamlet Pattrich, they disappeared and were never seen again.
The devil's last shingle

Once upon a time a farmer lost his house in a fire. He was too poor to afford a new home, so he turned to the devil. They made a deal. The devil would build a new house before the next cockcrow in exchange for the farmer's firstborn son.
However, soon after their handshake, the farmer started to regret what he had done and in tears told his wife. She was furious and couldn't believe what he had agreed to. Then she came up with an idea...
The same night the devil started to build the new house. The farmer couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the speed at which the devil put up walls and fitted doors and windows. Now he was on to the roof. The farmer's wife had to be quick. She grabbed their cock and plunged it into cold water. This scared the bird so much that in protest it started to crow, which alarmed all the other cocks in the neighbourhood. They started to crow too, just when the devil was about to put the last shingle on the roof. Thinking that he hadn't made it in time, the devil through the shingle on the floor and disappeared with an angry cry. The farmer's family moved into their new home but would forever leave the gap of that last shingle, as a warning and in memory of their deal with the devil.
The fire of Galtür
Inni, aussi, dinna, dussa, ... So an Kaas!

Want to blend in with the locals? Learn a few words and phrases and people won't notice you're a "Zuagroaster".
inni – aussi: inwards - outwards
dinna – dussa: inside – outside
buggla: to work
Goggali: egg
Kaas: cheese
Schiebli: cured sausage
Pfiat di!: goodbye
Kålt: cold
Lalli: doyle
bledi Gas: stupid bitch
sturar Bock: pighead
Kof dir endli salt an Tschigg!: Buy your own cigarettes!
Ts Nåcht hommr ins hi'glochat!: Last night we were wetting ourselves laughing!
Mit ara guata Marend im Schnearfr afs Joch: Up the mountain with some good snacks in the rucksack.
Zuagroaster: someone who is not from the village or valley